Training on Personal Hygiene and Behaviour

by | Feb 7, 2023 | Children, Children Events, Children Projects

AREDS Health Team organized training on personal hygiene and behaviour, particularly on ‘good touch and bad touch’ to the children on the 22nd of January 2023 in Chekkanam village. Twenty-eight boys and thirty-seven girls underwent training.

The importance of taking the balanced diet, keeping personal hygiene and on keeping environmental sanitation was explained to the children. The role of childline-1098 in rescuing the children in need of care and protection, in preventing child marriage in particular, was explained to them.


In this day and age, men with vicious attitude exploit girl children in several ways. Girl children at their childhood stage are not in a position to discriminate between encouraging touch and exploitative touch. Hence, they fall victim to crooked men.

Therefore, the children were sensitized on ‘good touch and bad touch in order to help them escape from the nasty behaviour of men. AREDS Health Team members made the children perform a skit on good touch and bad touch.  The children also witnessed the charts bearing diagrams illustrating good touch and bad touch. The children found the training programme didactic and interesting and they articulated it.