AREDS Health Awareness Program – Benefits of ORS
AREDS Health Awareness Programme - Awareness Programme on Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) @ Munaiyanoor village on 18.07.2022.AREDS Health Awareness Programme - Awareness Programme on Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) @ Vengampatti village on 14.07.2022.AREDS Health Awareness...
Annual Report – April 2021 to March 2022
AREDS, with its mission "Towards one Humanity" has passed 42 years in the field of community development and still continues its journey in the path of human centered development, inclusive of women, children, oppressed communities, small and marginal farmers and...
Interview with L. A. Samy and Christina Samy of AREDS and SWATE – InMotion Magazine
A. Samy. is the director of AREDS (Association of Rural Education and Development Service) in the Tamil Nadu state of India. Christina Samy is the program coordinator of AREDS and works with SWATE (Society of Women in Action for Total Empowerment). This interview was...
Challenges during COVID-19 lockdown – a dipstick study on the role of labour welfare boards
Informal Workers and social protection in Tamilnadu. A study on the impact on informal workers welfare during the COVID crisis and the activities done by the welfare board during this period.
Campaign Against Bonded Labour
AREDS has been networking with fraternal and like-minded Civil Society Organisations and the allied departments of the government for eliminating child marriage, child labour and bonded labour system. Bonded Labour is not just another issue of workers but a crime...