by iggywordpress | Mar 13, 2023 | Children, Children Events, Children Projects
AREDS Health Team organized a health awareness programme in the Panchayat Union Middle School, Pommanathuppatti on the 21st of February’23. Totally, 184 students participated in the programme and got their awareness on health enhanced. The AREDS Health Team...
by iggywordpress | Mar 13, 2023 | Children, Children Events, Children Projects
AREDS Health Team organized a health awareness programme in the Panchayat Union Middle School, Muthampatti on the 22nd of February’23. Six teachers and 94 students participated in the programme and got their awareness on health enhanced. The AREDS Health Team...
by iggywordpress | Mar 13, 2023 | Children, Children Events, Children Projects
AREDS Health Team organized a health awareness programme in Government High School, Maamarathuppatti on the 27th of February’23. Seven teachers and 74 students participated in the programme and got their awareness on health enhanced. The AREDS Health Team...